Please refer to the ASTM website for the most up to date information on ASTM F543 or visit our Quality Standards page to see additional accredited test standards performed at our certified testing laboratory.
ASTM F543 testing is concerned with the testing of Metallic Medical Bone Screws, which are used alongside Metallic Bone Plates to secure bones and encourage proper healing after major fractures. Proper testing of Metallic Medical Bone Screws is essential to ensure durability, strength, and biocompatibility that adheres to ASTM F543 medical bone screw testing standards, and to meet FDA requirements.
At Empirical Technologies, we can assist individuals and companies of all types and sizes with ASTM F543 testing. Our goal is to fast-track your products to ensure you can reach the market quickly and with minimal complications. Continue reading to learn more or contact us now to set up a consultation.
ASTM F543 outlines requirements for Metallic Medical Bone Screw testing related to materials used, marking and finish, dimensions and tolerances, and care and handling for Metallic Bone Screws. In part, it is based on ISO 5835, ISO 6475, and ISO 9268 standards.
This test method helps measure the overall quality and uniformity of tested products, particularly when comparing them to similar Metallic Medical Bone Screws.