ISO 7206-4 is the standard test method for hip joint implants, used to determine the endurance properties of both stemmed femoral components used individually in a partial hip joint replacement or the stemmed femoral components of total hip joint prostheses. The goal of yielding measurements is to ensure that the prosthesis will not fail or break in its lifetime.
Testing conditions should provide an environment that mimics in vivo. Stress shielding and proximal loosening occur from regular activity after surgery, leading to a patient’s abnormal loading profiles. Stemmed femoral components that are used for partial and total hip joint prostheses are used to help support loading activity and profiles.
Within ISO 7206-4 testing guidelines, environmental conditions are defined, as well as specimen testing set-up methodology to ensure all components are performed with the utmost consideration for all variables. Primary concerns are the specimen’s support levels, load application angle selection, testing frequency, and environmental aspects.
Testing conditions stipulated by ISO 7206-4 are designed to facilitate valid predictions of stemmed femoral components’ in vivo performance. The specimen is first embedded in solid material, such as acrylic bone cement. This serves to mimic bone support loss, which is the compound concern that results in total catastrophic failure.
ISO 7206-4 testing conditions include a test fluid solution of sodium chloride deionized or distilled in grade 3 water for modular specimen analysis in wear study. The batch size required for these tests is currently determined at six specimens.